Writing Within Reach: Strategies for Setting Realistic Writing Goals

Ever found yourself promising to dedicate an hour every morning to writing, only to have life’s myriad responsibilities intervene? The demands of family, sudden to-do list items, and work deadlines can quickly derail even the most well-intentioned plans. As writers, we understand these struggles all too well. This post will help you immensely by offering practical and effective strategies to help you set achievable writing goals and nurture your craft, all while building a supportive community connection.

Embrace Stretch Goals

Setting achievable goals is crucial, but have you ever considered the power of stretch goals? These are targets that you suspect might be a bit beyond your grasp, yet you decide to strive for them anyway. Think of writing a book in a month or sending out ten pitches per week. By acknowledging that these goals are ambitious, you’re not only pushing yourself to work harder but also fostering resilience regardless of the outcome. This mindset can lead to surprising accomplishments and a renewed sense of determination.

Incremental Progress with Tiny Steps

James Clear’s philosophy of progressing by 1% each day holds incredible potential for your writing journey. While this may seem like a minuscule improvement, the cumulative effect is substantial. By consistently dedicating small portions of your time to writing, you’ll witness remarkable growth in both skill and output. Remember, success lies in the steady accumulation of progress, not necessarily in giant leaps.

Craft a Clear Plan

Realistic writing goals require a concrete plan. Understand what you aim to achieve and break it down into manageable steps. Your plan is your guiding compass, preventing you from feeling overwhelmed by the vastness of your aspirations. Whether it’s outlining articles, structuring your novel, or devising a submission strategy, having a roadmap ensures you stay on track and motivated.

Depend on Discipline, Not Motivation

Waiting for inspiration to strike can hinder your progress. Instead, rely on discipline. Commit to writing even when inspiration is lacking. As you cultivate this habit, you’ll discover that your writing muscle strengthens, making it easier to overcome resistance and tackle challenges head-on.

Patience and Persistence

Instant gratification isn’t the name of the writing game. Writing projects, particularly substantial ones like books, demand time and patience. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that writing is a process. Your efforts will accumulate over time, resulting in significant growth and achievement.

Persevere Through Setbacks

Remember, setbacks are a natural part of any journey. Missed writing days and distractions are par for the course. What matters most is your resilience. When you stumble, pick yourself up and continue onward. Consistency and determination will ultimately propel you toward your writing goals.

Acknowledge the Challenge

Creating a writing routine is a formidable task. It involves managing numerous components and weathering criticism and self-doubt. However, know that these challenges are universal for writers. It takes courage to continue writing despite the uncertainties. Celebrate each achievement, regardless of size, and remember that progress, no matter how small, is worth celebrating.

In conclusion, setting realistic writing goals is pivotal for your growth as a writer. Incorporate stretch goals, take small yet consistent steps, and create a well-defined plan. Cultivate discipline rather than relying solely on motivation, and grant your writing the time it needs to flourish. In the face of setbacks, stand firm and push forward. Writing might be demanding, but your determination is more potent. By implementing these strategies, you’ll not only witness progress in your craft but also foster community connections. 

Whether through women’s writing workshops, mentorship programs, or engagement with the women writers’ network, you’re building a valuable sense of belonging. If you’re looking to surround yourself with a community of supportive writers, check out the Inspired Writer Community.

Keep writing, for every word brings you closer to your aspirations.

Click here for a complete guide to building your ideal writing life.

