Prioritizing Pen and Paper: Tips for Balancing Writing with a Busy Schedule

We often hear about the hustle and the endless pursuit of productivity to create more time for our writing. From waking up at the crack of dawn to squeezing in a few sentences at the end of a long day, we try it all. But, at some point, we reach a limit – a point where our desire to write more starts to chip away at the joy of living a fulfilling life. It’s crucial to recognize that sometimes, it’s not about adding more to your day; it’s about cutting out the unnecessary to make room for what truly matters.

I’ve learned through my own writing journey that the most powerful tool for creating more writing time and achieving balance is the art of subtraction. In this blog post, I’ll share some friendly, professional, and approachable tips to help you prioritize your writing and reclaim your time for a joyful and enjoyable life.

Trimming the Excess: In Writing and Life

Much like decluttering a room to make space for new furniture, decluttering your schedule can make room for your writing. The more you write in those precious pockets of time, the more seamless it becomes – especially when you focus on a limited number of projects. The key here is to avoid being pulled in too many directions. Ask yourself, “Am I pitching, working on my screenplay, or focusing on my book?”
This principle applies not only to writing but to all aspects of your life. Start by listing everything you do – work, personal commitments, chores, social engagements, and writing projects. Now, it’s time to be brutally honest. What can you cut out? What doesn’t align with your overall plan?

Prioritization: Your North Star

Prioritizing is your guiding star on the writer’s roadmap. Choose no more than three main projects that align with your life’s priorities. If you have a full-time job, that’s a priority. If daily gym sessions are essential to you, make sure your chosen writing projects leave room for them. My book, “The Writer’s Roadmap,” provides exercises to help you determine what stays and what goes.

But don’t forget self-care in this equation. If you’re not healthy and well, your productivity declines, no matter how organized you are. Schedule time for sleep, quality family moments, and personal time. Doctor’s appointments, balancing your finances, and ensuring you have clean clothes are all part of maintaining your well-being.

Embrace Relaxation: The Hidden Productivity Booster

Scheduled relaxation time may seem counterintuitive, but it’s a hidden gem in your quest for productivity. Working non-stop burns you out faster than you’d think. Find time to unwind, and you’ll work with more clarity and efficiency. It’s like recharging your creative batteries.

The Art of Saying No

One of the hardest but most essential skills in reclaiming your time is saying no. It’s challenging, especially when you fear disappointing loved ones or missing out on opportunities. Volunteer work, commitments like baking for a sale, or hosting holiday gatherings can be time-consuming.

Remember this: when you cut out activities that don’t align with your priorities, you create space to care for yourself and focus on your writing. Saying no is about setting boundaries that prioritize your needs. Those who love and support you will understand, and those who don’t might need to hear no more often.

Setting and Defending Boundaries

Speaking of boundaries, saying no is just the first step. You must also take action to ensure your boundaries are respected. If a friend consistently interrupts your writing time, kindly explain your schedule and request a different time to meet. If they persist, it may be necessary to take measures to protect your writing time and your sanity.  Turn to like-minded women who are on their own writing journeys for support on this. Women’s writing workshops are a great place to meet others who you can relate to.

Balancing a busy life with writing is possible, but it requires strategic choices and self-care. Prioritization, trimming the excess, scheduling relaxation, and mastering the art of saying no are all crucial steps in this journey. Remember, your writing is worth it, and so is your well-being. By making intentional choices and setting boundaries, you can create a life that nurtures your creativity and allows you to flourish as a writer. 

If you’re looking for more than just individual strategies and seek a supportive community of like-minded women writers to accompany you on this journey, consider the power of online writing groups. The Inspired Writer Community offers a nurturing space where you can connect with fellow writers, gain valuable insights, and receive the support and accountability you need to thrive in your writing endeavors. Join us, and together we’ll empower each other to reach our writing goals while maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life. The power of a women writers network is truly invaluable. 

Balancing the demands of life with your writing aspirations is a noble endeavor, and it’s essential to remember that you don’t have to go it alone. Whether you choose to implement the strategies mentioned earlier or decide to join our women writers network, know that you have a supportive community of women writers cheering you on. Your words matter, your stories deserve to be told, and your journey as a writer is uniquely yours. Here’s to embracing the writer’s life you desire, one step at a time. Keep writing, keep dreaming, and keep thriving. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Click here for a complete guide to building your ideal writing life.
