Oct 26, 2017 | Writing, Writing Prompts
A blank page is a terrifying sight. What will you write? Will it mean anything? Will anyone want to read it? Yeah, I know, people often tell you “Just start writing,” but that’s easier said than done. That’s why writing prompts are so...
Jul 1, 2015 | Writing, Writing Prompts
I’ve been sitting on this prompt for a little while, but I got distracted by the news. It’s been so damn awful lately. Not that the news is any better, but I figure it can’t hurt to have a distraction. A couple weeks ago, I was sitting there, minding...
Apr 15, 2015 | Writing Prompts
If you want to, you can look for me in the evening sunset or with the earliest spring daffodils or amongst the flitting and fluttering butterflies. You know I’ll be there in one form or another. Of course that will probably comfort some while antagonizing others, but...
Apr 14, 2014 | Writing, Writing Prompts
Unraveling your own writing process can be tricky. I talk a big game about never experiencing writer’s block, even going so far as to say I don’t believe in it. Instead, I believe there are different ways to approach writing that allow you to move forward...
Jan 6, 2014 | Writing, Writing Prompts
Have you seen the Six Feet Under series ending scene? It is without a doubt my favorite scene in all of television or film. Ever. I’m not the only one who still cries when they watch it. Why? Because in just seven minutes, you see future, past and present filled...
Dec 5, 2013 | Writing, Writing Prompts
This is for anyone who wants to make a living as a freelance writers, but isn’t sure how often to pitch. Take this freelance pitch challenge to keep your pitching game fresh as well as create a constant flow of articles to write and money in your bank account as...