Jun 29, 2021 | Memoir, Storytelling, Writing
You want to write a memoir, but you’re wondering if you should instead change your experiences into something fictional — this is a question almost every memoir writer I’ve known asks. Why? Well, you don’t want to hurt anyone, you don’t want to be called a liar and...
Mar 27, 2021 | Community, Storytelling, Writing
Is it uncomfortable to write diverse characters? It definitely can be. But imagine the people you could reach and the worlds you can create when you branch out and see communities outside of your own. Your experiences, identity, environment, place in society and more...
Jan 17, 2020 | Community, Storytelling, Strategy
When people ask me if you need a formal writing education in order to be a writer, I say no. Absolutely not. You can educate yourself by writing, reading, and taking classes. I’m always taking classes. In fact, each year, I spend more on education than any other part...
Apr 26, 2019 | Reading, Storytelling
A short story teaches us to turn the world just a little on the side so we can see our regular lives in a new way, and the brevity of the form forces us to pay attention to every detail. The stories you tell offer your readers a message. You’re letting them know what...
Mar 10, 2014 | Storytelling, Writing
Each of us has a personal story that we tell and retell, not only to let others know who we are but to remind ourselves of our own value. Last week, I got a message on Twitter from a woman named Kathy Korman Frey, someone I hadn’t thought about it a while. She...
May 26, 2010 | Storytelling, Writing
Have you read The New Global Student: Skip the SAT, Save Thousands on Tuition and Get a Truly International Education by Maya Frost. In it, she describes the nature of the adolescent mind, how in our teen years our brains open to growth potential that is left largely...