Sep 20, 2019 | Inspiration
Let me tell you a little story about why you need to be aggressive and shout out loud for exactly what you want. My first time at Burning Man a few years back, I met a guy named, let’s call him Fred. Fred was a total and utter pain in the ass. He demanded what...
Aug 30, 2019 | Inspiration
I received another rejection note this week. Ugh. Another failure? This time from Creative Non-Fiction magazine where I’d submitted a short story. The letter was polite and encouraging. You know the sort. A form letter. The story was based on an early version of...
Aug 23, 2019 | Failure and Rejection, Inspiration, Strategy
Do you know why the fear of failure overwhelms so many of us? It’s because we’re taught from a young age to avoid making mistakes. The school system is a major offender of making us fear our mistakes. School too often offers an incredibly misguided lesson as it...
Jul 12, 2019 | Craft, Inspiration, Publishing
I’m not a poet, but I regularly write poetry because writing poetry is one of the best ways to clarify your message and generally become a stronger and more confident poetry writer. The first poetry class I ever took was with an incredible poet named Marie Ponsot....
Jul 5, 2019 | Editing, Inspiration, Productivity
There’s no such thing as writer’s block. It’s an excuse. Your way of telling yourself you have a reason for not writing. I’m here to tell you, you’re not fooling anyone. That’s not to say you won’t ever feel stuck. You will....
Jun 21, 2019 | Inspiration, Writing
Remember the first moment you held your tiny baby in your arms? Powerful and beautiful, right? It’s a moment that changes you forever. But motherhood alone does not define you. That’s exactly the reason why it’s so important for you to tell your...