How-to Be Aggressive Pushy and Annoying Like Fred

How-to Be Aggressive Pushy and Annoying Like Fred

Let me tell you a little story about why you need to be aggressive and shout out loud for exactly what you want. My first time at Burning Man a few years back, I met a guy named, let’s call him Fred. Fred was a total and utter pain in the ass. He demanded what...
Why failure is key to helping you succeed!

Why failure is key to helping you succeed!

I received another rejection note this week. Ugh. Another failure? This time from Creative Non-Fiction magazine where I’d submitted a short story. The letter was polite and encouraging. You know the sort. A form letter. The story was based on an early version of...
This is why moms make excellent writers!

This is why moms make excellent writers!

Remember the first moment you held your tiny baby in your arms? Powerful and beautiful, right? It’s a moment that changes you forever. But motherhood alone does not define you. That’s exactly the reason why it’s so important for you to tell your...