Mar 31, 2022 | Editing, Feedback, Mentors
“Every writer needs a reader,” my college writing mentor Nancy Piore said. Day after day, she drilled into us the importance of giving feedback on each other’s work. Even those of us who loved her class grumbled when we had to hand over our precious unedited words for...
Dec 29, 2021 | Finding Balance, Inspiration, Self-care
Selfish is not a word you want to be called. You’re taught from a young age to share, to be considerate, and to avoid being selfish. For many, just the sound of the word alone stops rational thought and triggers a state of defensiveness. What? Me? I’m not...
Sep 6, 2021 | Inspiration, The Writer's Roadmap, Writing
Does your writing flow like water? Like everything else in life, writing comes with highs and lows. Sometimes, your ideas and words run with ease; other times, you’ll wonder how you’ll ever get things moving again. Writers, here’s a gentle reminder that building a...
Aug 10, 2021 | Failure and Rejection, Inspiration, Publishing
The post has been a labor of love. It’s something I believe in strongly, because it frustrates me to see how many talented, creative people give up after experiencing failure and rejection. They’re a beast to push through, but failure and rejection aren’t simply...
Aug 3, 2021 | Failure and Rejection, Publishing, Writing
We don’t talk about self-care for writers nearly enough. If you read my newsletter, you know I’m looking for a publisher for one book and an agent for another. This means I want to publish in a market everyone says is one of the most difficult times to publish a...
Jun 30, 2021 | Community, Inspiration, Reading
Heads up: This post contains affiliate links for the recommended LGBTQIA+ books at no additional cost to you. If you use these links to buy something, I may earn a commission. No matter your identity, you deserve to be represented through LGBTQIA+ books and beyond —...