Imagine his girlfriend was noticeably scarred.

Imagine his girlfriend was noticeably scarred.

Remember Murad Osmann? He’s the photographer lead around the world by his girlfriend. The two of them were all over the internet a couple weeks ago. His photography and her body flowed relentlessly through all my social media streams. As is the way of Facebook,...
This is why we don’t we have a Men’s History Month?

This is why we don’t we have a Men’s History Month?

Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. Here we are, complaining about Seth MacFarlane and kicking up a fuss about senators definitions of rape. But what’s all this here talking about?   Thus, Sojourner Truth...
When did we lose our innocence?

When did we lose our innocence?

Last Friday night, I lingered a bit longer over bedtime tuckings. We read together, gave kisses, and when Lila asked me to stay longer so we could chat, I didn’t hesitate. It’s been barely a week since the shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary, yet it feels...
I’m Sorry. I Love You, But I Just Can’t See You Anymore

I’m Sorry. I Love You, But I Just Can’t See You Anymore

Photo by Rob Young Today, I sat in a park off Avenida Libertador waiting for Pat, a friend I met through Couchsurfing, Sunday evening. She and a group of others had a plan to walk through the Almagro neighborhood of the city handing out pan dulce to homeless people. I...