Mar 14, 2013 | Inspiration
Remember Murad Osmann? He’s the photographer lead around the world by his girlfriend. The two of them were all over the internet a couple weeks ago. His photography and her body flowed relentlessly through all my social media streams. As is the way of Facebook,...
Mar 6, 2013 | Inspiration
Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. Here we are, complaining about Seth MacFarlane and kicking up a fuss about senators definitions of rape. But what’s all this here talking about? Thus, Sojourner Truth...
Dec 20, 2012 | Inspiration
Last Friday night, I lingered a bit longer over bedtime tuckings. We read together, gave kisses, and when Lila asked me to stay longer so we could chat, I didn’t hesitate. It’s been barely a week since the shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary, yet it feels...
Jan 13, 2009 | Inspiration
Photo by Rob Young Today, I sat in a park off Avenida Libertador waiting for Pat, a friend I met through Couchsurfing, Sunday evening. She and a group of others had a plan to walk through the Almagro neighborhood of the city handing out pan dulce to homeless people. I...