Last Night She Reminded Me Why I Love to Read

Last Night She Reminded Me Why I Love to Read

This is where it all began, when I learned how reading is writing. When an infatuation with reading bloomed into a full-blown love of words on the page. It’s a love I have yet to shake. I was 12 years old when Mrs. Herlinger, the librarian of the middle school I...
Why you should never use the word should

Why you should never use the word should

Last month, Jordan Oram and I had an incredibly inspiring conversation about collaboration and individual creativity. In the middle of this discussion, I told him of a frustrating experience I was having with a colleague. “A person should know how to manage...
Do dead people breathe underground?

Do dead people breathe underground?

Not all parents choose to talk about death with our children when they’re young. We began the conversation when Lila was three. Grandma Ruth died right before we left Brooklyn. We got the call the same day our cat Mathilde died. It may sound silly, but the...
A Little List of Dos and Don’ts for the Ladies

A Little List of Dos and Don’ts for the Ladies

 This started as a post in earnest. It was supposed to be a photo essay of women for Women’s History Month that I was writing for a different blog. Then I saw this. The photo is fine. Love her boots. I have a similar pair. Can’t imagine biking in that...
A Meditation While Kneading Challah

A Meditation While Kneading Challah

Why did I spend an afternoon baking challah? To heal a sick child, of course. Why else would I do it? A few months ago, I heard my friend Chanie’s baby daughter was sick. Chanie and I haven’t been in touch in years, far too long. I didn’t even know...