42 Reasons to be Grateful in my 42nd year

42 Reasons to be Grateful in my 42nd year

This past March 20th — the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere, International Day of Happiness, Mr. Rogers birthday and Persian New Year — I celebrated my 42nd birthday. Most definitely a day to rejoice. This getting older thing? I kind of like...
Sunrise Over Salta: Life and writing are in the details

Sunrise Over Salta: Life and writing are in the details

Mornings in the house begin in quiet. I wake up before everyone else, early enough to catch the sun rising over the mountains in the distance. Every day a surprise. Every day a new color, a different form of cloud. Every morning takes my breath away. A few years ago,...
A portrait on the eve of Lila’s tenth birthday

A portrait on the eve of Lila’s tenth birthday

I wrote a portrait of Lila just before her fifth birthday, too. We had just arrived in Salta, and our future in Argentina lay open ahead of us without a single detail in place. Would we stay? Would we be happy? Now, Lila’s tenth birthday is here, and the pieces...
How-to find images for your blog without getting sued

How-to find images for your blog without getting sued

While not every blog post needs them, images greatly enhance your blogging. They capture the eye, illustrate the story. They even convince you’re reader you’re trustworthy and help customer conversion. So what is the best way to find images for your online...
Last Night She Reminded Me Why I Love to Read

Last Night She Reminded Me Why I Love to Read

This is where it all began, when I learned how reading is writing. When an infatuation with reading bloomed into a full-blown love of words on the page. It’s a love I have yet to shake. I was 12 years old when Mrs. Herlinger, the librarian of the middle school I...