Mar 20, 2015 | Inspiration
The 2015 Women’s Mentor Exchange has ended. Thank you to all who took part. It has been an amazing experience, and I’ll be doing it again next year so sign up for my newsletter and I’ll send you all the details. I have a custom. Every year on my...
Dec 30, 2014 | Inspiration
My friend Margaret received her diagnosis in November. Barely two months, and she has passed away. It happened so quickly I can only imagine what her family feels. I wrote this on her Facebook wall a couple of days before she died. She may or may not have seen it. I...
Dec 1, 2014 | Inspiration
I heard this week that Wes Nations died. Do you know him? He spent four years traveling and wrote fantastic and honest pieces on his blog Johnny Vagabond. Raw is the word I hear most often applied to his writing. Things like how he almost killed a man who offered him...
Sep 29, 2014 | Inspiration
And then I got pregnant. That was last September, and between then and now, I’ve had absolutely no desire to travel. We talked all summer long about exploring the mountains around Cordoba, maybe we’d find that all German village somewhere on the road between Buenos...
Sep 12, 2014 | Inspiration
September 11th snuck up on me this year. I knew it was coming, but living so far from NY where I rarely see US news makes it seem unreal. It’s the day after September 11th, though, that always gets me. I’m the same way with birthdays. The day of feels like...
Sep 5, 2014 | Inspiration
I hadn’t intended to write about this, but then our day trip was just so lovely, I had to write. We left Sunday morning later than planned. Always running late. Then I reminded myself. It’s Sunday. There’s no such thing as late on a Sunday morning especially when you...