How to be a perfect father in three easy steps

How to be a perfect father in three easy steps

First produce viable semen. It can be through passion or from duty or because you do it in a lab for money or whatever. This is usually the first step. It means nothing. Then, read all the books your wife tells you she thinks you should be reading. At least seriously...
“What can we do to stop racism?” you ask.

“What can we do to stop racism?” you ask.

We’ve been warned.  This horrific shooting in Charleston arrive on the heels of the Baltimore Riots, the young woman  attacked by a police officer in McKinney, Texas. Ferguson. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind it will happen again. It will happen again...
Dear White Male Professor. There’s nothing to fear!

Dear White Male Professor. There’s nothing to fear!

When I came across this Vox article from “Edward Schlosser” this morning, I was all primed to agree. A friend whose politics I trust recommendeded it. It appears on a site that generally I generally enjoy. And if you know anything about me at all, you know my disdain...
A Portrait of Lila on the Eve of her 11th Birthday

A Portrait of Lila on the Eve of her 11th Birthday

I lost track of you this last year. Call it pregnancy brain if you will. I stopped making breakfast for you in the mornings, because I was too nauseated to toast bread. At night, our bedtime chats cut short because I was too large and uncomfortable to fit in bed with...