Apr 16, 2018 | Inspiration, Writing
You cannot write if you live your life by someone else’s definition of a word. When your words are not your own, you can’t tell your own story. It’s time to redefine these five words and change the way you see your work. Aggressive This is when...
Jan 25, 2018 | Inspiration
It’s hard to find time to write. When you work responsibilities, family responsibilities, friends, a dog and a laundry list of other responsibilities vying for your attention. There’s always something else calling your name, and when you finally have a moment to...
Sep 22, 2015 | Inspiration
Today’s post was originally going to be a reading list, but when I saw this from my friend April, I decided to do something different. Two years ago, when I was 18-weeks pregnant, my child was given a preliminary diagnosis of lethal skeletal dysplasia. I was...
Sep 16, 2015 | Inspiration
Coloring books for adults. They’re so hot right now. (Triple points, by the way, to anyone who gets that movie reference.) They calm the amygdala which in turn helps you de-stress. Carl Jung even suggested coloring mandalas to relax. So clearly, if science and...
Sep 7, 2015 | Inspiration
Meditation is many things. Meditation is hours of quiet yoga mudras and chanting to music as a candle burns leisurely down to a nub. Meditation is sitting cross legged on top of a mountain while the dulcet tones of trained squirrels serenade and lead me through self...
Sep 1, 2015 | Inspiration
Over the last couple months, I’ve been writing a piece commissioned by Contributoria called Volunteering won’t change the world, do this instead. That’s where I go one with my opinions on volunteering. I would have loved another draft of that before...