May 31, 2019 | Craft, Inspiration
Do you have an idea for a book you want to write? My bet is yes because most people do. Most people are also waiting around for the right time to start writing. But here’s the reality. You’ll never be fully ready to write a book. You’ll feel overwhelmed....
May 3, 2019 | Inspiration
The hardest part of the creative process is knowing where to begin. Because when you’re just getting started at something, you have too many options. Too many options with no shape, no direction, nothing solid. You can go anywhere, do anything you want, create or be...
Mar 22, 2019 | Failure and Rejection, Inspiration, Writing
Confidence is an interesting phenomenon. You can have 99 positive interactions or good things happen, but all it takes is one piece of negative feedback and suddenly you’re a terrible writer/parent/person. Deep down, you know that’s not true, but it can be really hard...
Mar 1, 2019 | Craft, Failure and Rejection, Inspiration
Writing a book is a magical thing, and often seems that some people just know how to do it. The rest of us just don’t. My best book writing advice to you? Writing is more than the end product. It’s a process with many twists and turns. It’s frustrating, exhilarating,...
Feb 22, 2019 | Failure and Rejection, Inspiration, Why We Write
How do you practice self-care? Are you sleeping enough? Do you check your phone first thing in the morning? Maybe get a massage? Self-care is a funny thing. It means different things to different people. Think about what self-care means to you. For some, self-care...
Feb 15, 2019 | Failure and Rejection, Publishing, Writing
I’ve always considered myself a natural at receiving and giving writing feedback. After all, I have years of experience both giving and getting feedback on my writing. I appreciate solid writing feedback, because I know it improves my craft. In fact, I’m disappointed...