15 rules for writing you should never break

15 rules for writing you should never break

It can be difficult for creatives to follow a strict rule book, but there are some rules for writing that are universal.  You may be happy to have a list to guide your writing. Or you might decide I’m an idiot. How can you put limits on creativity? Well, these are the...
How-to choose the right word for your sentence

How-to choose the right word for your sentence

There’s a fine line between diction and verbiage. One is choosing the right word for the right moment. The other is stuffing your sentences full of long windy words in the hope you’ll maybe hit on something that works. We want the first. Not the second....
How to find beta readers and make the most of their feedback

How to find beta readers and make the most of their feedback

If you’re reading this page, you probably want to know more than just how to find beta readers. You’re in luck. I’ve pulled together all the questions I’ve been asked over the last five years about finding and working with beta readers. Then, I’ll walk you...
Editing Hacks: Finish a Draft Before Editing

Editing Hacks: Finish a Draft Before Editing

I mean it. Finish your draft before you dive into the editing process. You’d be amazed how many writing problems finishing a draft will solve. Still, your instinct will tell you to ignore this piece of advice. This is the one time I’ll ever tell another human...