How to Transform a Shitty First Draft into a Book

How to Transform a Shitty First Draft into a Book

So you’ve written the first draft of a book. Congrats. Now what? First drafts are rarely complete novels, and it takes a shift in thinking to transform your draft into a finishing book. The first draft is about getting the story down, learning the details, and...
Giving feedback is your key to exponential growth

Giving feedback is your key to exponential growth

“Every writer needs a reader,” my college writing mentor Nancy Piore said. Day after day, she drilled into us the importance of giving feedback on each other’s work. Even those of us who loved her class grumbled when we had to hand over our precious unedited words for...
What To Expect When Hiring a Sensitivity Reader

What To Expect When Hiring a Sensitivity Reader

Are you trying to make your writing more diverse and free of stereotypes and unconscious bias? You’ve done the research, you’ve read the articles on how to write more well-rounded characters, but something is still missing.  If this is the case, consider hiring a...
How to write a book in 8 simple steps

How to write a book in 8 simple steps

You want to write a book, right? I highly recommend it. I’m also going to tell you, it’s a frustrating process. You’ll have ups and downs. You’ll want to give up at least once. You’ll wonder if you have anything of worth to say. In the...
15 rules for writing you should never break

15 rules for writing you should never break

It can be difficult for creatives to follow a strict rule book, but there are some writing rules that are universal. You may be happy to have a list to guide your writing. Or you might decide I’m an idiot. How can you put limits on creativity? Well, these are the...