Designing Your Writing Life: Creating a Routine That Works for You

Whether you’re a full-time writer or getting started on your writing journey, one of the most powerful tools you can carry is a well-crafted routine. In this adventure of designing your writing life, I am here to guide you through the process of goal setting and creating a writing routine that suits your unique needs. Let’s dive in and discover how to design your writing life!

Block off times during your week to work

To embark on a successful writing journey, it’s crucial to designate specific blocks of time for writing. During these sacred hours, make writing your sole focus. At times, the words may not flow as smoothly as you’d like, and the temptation to give up may arise. Resist that urge. Embrace the process and keep the commitment to use your writing time exclusively for writing, whether it yields a single word or a thousand.

Don’t compromise your writing time

Once you’ve set aside dedicated writing time, safeguard it fiercely. When others request your presence or company during these hours, kindly decline and offer an alternative schedule. Establishing boundaries will reinforce the importance of your writing time, not only to others but also to yourself. Remember, your writing deserves the same respect you grant to other important commitments in your life.

Know what you want to work on before you sit down to write

Before diving into your writing session, invest time to make a plan for your work. Having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish will prevent aimless wandering and distractions during your writing time. Whether it’s jotting down plot points, character sketches, or outlining an article, this preparatory step paves the way for a focused and productive writing session.

Write first thing in the morning as part of a morning routine

Embrace the power of a morning routine that incorporates writing as its cornerstone. Writing early in the day allows you to start the day on a positive note and set the tone for the rest of your day. Furthermore, our circadian rhythms often favor enhanced creativity during the morning hours, making it an opportune time to unleash your imagination onto the page. Fuel up with a cup of coffee or tea and let your words flow before the world awakens.

Find a place to work where you won’t be distracted

Create a conducive environment for writing, free from distractions. This may involve locking yourself in a quiet room, seeking the solace of a café, or settling into the hush of a library. Eliminate the temptation to check emails or respond to messages during your writing time. If digital distractions persist, consider using tools like the Rescue Time app to identify and block sources of diversion.

Recognize the frustrations

In the realm of writing, frustrations are an inevitable part of the process. Embrace them as a sign of growth and experimentation, particularly when tackling new challenges. Instead of forcing your way through a creative block, give yourself the grace and space to work through it. Treat yourself with kindness, acknowledging that writing is a journey of discovery, and every obstacle holds a valuable lesson.

Read books, lots of them

Reading is akin to nourishing your writing soul. Each book you delve into opens a treasure chest of ideas and inspiration for your work. Allow the magic of literature to seep into your writing mindset, enriching your creations with the brilliance of others.

Kill your inner critic

Our harshest critic resides within ourselves, undermining our confidence and stifling creativity. Silence that inner voice of doubt and fear. Give yourself permission to write without judgment or restraint. Let the words flow onto the page without interference from your own critical thoughts. Remember, the initial rawness can be polished into a masterpiece.

“You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” – Jodi Picoult


Creating a writing routine may feel uncomfortable at first, accompanied by a sense of resistance. Embrace this feeling, as it accompanies every act of creation. Return to the page, week after week, despite the fears and frustrations. Through practice, you’ll develop the resilience to weather any creative storm. A women writers network may be a beneficial place to look for accountability that can help you stick to your routine.

Rinse and repeat

The heart of writing lies in consistency. Embrace the process of sitting down and allowing yourself to write freely, regardless of imperfections. Each broken sentence and half-formed idea is a stepping stone to crafting a story that resonates with your audience and sparks inspiration.

In designing your writing life, cultivate a routine that nurtures your creative spirit. Cherish the magic of a writing schedule, honor your aspirations, and let the words flow. And remember, community connection plays a vital role in this journey. Consider joining an online writing group, like the Inspired Writer Community, to share experiences, inspire fellow writers, and collectively celebrate the joys of the writing life. So, let’s uncap our pens and draw our stories on the canvas of possibility. Happy writing!

Click here for a complete guide to building your ideal writing life.

