Aligning Ambitions: Setting Your Writing Intentions for the Journey Ahead

If you’re a writer, at one point or another you’ve likely found yourself wanting to give up. If you haven’t, you’re either very lucky or you haven’t been writing long enough. Writing is a journey filled with ups and downs, and it’s easy to lose sight of your goals when you hit a roadblock and you’re feeling frustrated.

How can you stick to your intentions and keep moving forward on your writing path? In this blog post, I’ll share some insights on setting your writing intentions and finding the support you need to stay on track.

Know Your Goals

The first step in aligning your ambitions as a writer is to know your goals. What do you want to achieve with your writing? Is it to become a bestselling author, share your personal stories, or simply enjoy the process of creative expression? Your goals serve as the foundation of your writing journey, so it’s essential to know what they are. 

But it doesn’t stop there. To stay motivated and committed, create a writing roadmap that is deeply connected to your core values. When your writing projects align with your larger life goals and values, they take on a deeper meaning and purpose. This provides you with a powerful reason to keep going even when the going gets tough.

For example, if one of your core values is to empower women through your writing, then joining women’s writing workshops or women’s mentorship programs could be a natural step. These programs can help you align your writing intentions with your values and provide the necessary guidance and support.

Speak Your Intention Aloud

It’s one thing to have goals in your mind, but it’s another to speak them aloud. When you share your writing intention with others, it becomes real. It’s no longer just a personal secret; it’s a commitment. However, it’s essential to be selective about who you share your goals with. Choose individuals who will encourage and support your journey, rather than those who might offer negative advice or discouragement.

When I initially had the idea to sell everything and leave Brooklyn to travel, I only told a few close friends who believed in my plan as much as I did. They asked encouraging questions and offered support. I didn’t tell anyone else until the plan was already in motion. By the time I told other people, their fears and doubts about my plan didn’t matter because it was already well underway.

Find a Community to Support You

One of the most significant sources of support for writers is a like-minded community. Joining a women writers network, online writers groups, or creative writing mentorship programs can be a game-changer for your writing journey. Your writing community can offer valuable feedback, inspiration, and encouragement when you need it the most.

As Seth Godin aptly puts it, the middle phase of a project can be the most challenging. You’ve moved past the excitement of starting, yet the finish line feels distant. It’s during this phase that many writers are tempted to give up. Your writing community can provide the motivation and accountability you need to persevere until you reach your goals.

Write with Someone Else

Writing with a partner or in a group setting can significantly boost your productivity and motivation. When you commit to regular coworking sessions, check-ins, or meetings to discuss your work, you hold yourself accountable for your writing goals.

In the Inspired Writer community, we incorporate weekly coworking sessions to keep our members connected and on track. Writing alongside others creates a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose that fuels your creativity and determination.

Aligning your ambitions as a writer is crucial for staying committed to your writing journey. Know your goals, speak your intentions aloud, find a supportive community, and consider writing with others to keep yourself accountable. 

If you’re seeking such a community to nurture your authenticity and help you find your voice, I invite you to join us in The Inspired Writer Community, where you can connect with fellow writers and embark on a journey of growth and support.


