The Workshop isn’t for everyone. Is it right for you?

 When it comes to writing, there is no test. There is no grading. There is no measure of whether or not you’re succeeding or failing. In fact, there is no such thing as failure, not in a traditional sense. But figuring out what you want to write, how you want to write and how to write certainly feels like shaky ground rife with rejection and failure.

That’s the reason The Workshop exists.

The Workshop is like no other writing community because you define the path for yourself. You walk it alone but with the support of other writers to redefine the way you write and the way you work in this world. There is only whether or not you’re ready and whether or not you’re willing to take that scary jump off a cliff and make a commitment to yourself and your writing life.

Are you ready? Is The Workshop for you? If you know you’re ready, you can sign up now.

If you’re still not sure, read on to learn more about how The Workshop works and the philosophy behind it.

How The Workshop works.

From the minute you join, you’re part of a community. You join in on questions and conversations as much or as little as you’d like, but the more you give and support others, the more you’ll improve your own writing life.

We have weekly check-ins, monthly seminars on topics ranging from how to pitch editors to how to write a book and how to develop your writer’s platform.

Ready to take the leap and join The Workshop. What is the Workshop?

You’ll begin by creating a four-step plan for your writing life. Then using the resources website, weekly check-ins, support from your fellow writers, our monthly seminars and Q&A sessions, you’ll fill in your knowledge gaps and receive the encouragement and inspiration to keep going until you reach your goals.

Ten precepts that define The Workshop

One small step at a time.

You know the saying: A journey of a thousand words starts with one step. That’s how you become a writer. That’s how you publish a book. That’s how you achieve any big fat hairy goal (aka BFHG) no matter how overwhelming or seemingly unattainable.

Your goals should scare you.

At least a little bit. You want to push your limits and that usually means feeling incompetent at least some of the time. Fear and uncertainty are uncomfortable, but they’re also a part of growth.

The support you give others comes back to you threefold.

Every writer needs a reader. An idea tested by two minds will always produce a richer experience than the thoughts of only one. One note can be beautiful, but the more sounds, the more complexity you hear. This is the nature of collaboration, and without it, The Workshop couldn’t exist.

Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo.

When you do something that pushes boundaries, people push back. You’ll be criticized. You’ll be ignored. Think Martin Luther King, Marie Curie, JK Rowling, Billie Jean King, Dalai Lama, Jesse Owens — they made waves by standing up for their beliefs and their work. Imagine if they had just gone along with the status quo.

Trust your instinct. Trust your instinct. Trust your instinct.

You will be tested. You will be told you’re wrong. You will be told to shut up in an attempt to shut you down. Your instinct will guide you. Always.

Sometimes things suck.

It’s just the way of life. You’ll face rejection and disappointment. You’ll fail. You’ll falter and fall. It’s the nature of the creative life.

Give yourself space.

When things suck, give yourself space and time to heal, to regroup, recoup your losses until you’re ready to take your next step. It’s a crucial part of the process. Give yourself the space to change plans when necessary, to regroup when you lose — and you lose at time. Allow the possibility that you’re wrong, you’ve made a mistake and need to change course. Let go of your constraints and examine the neverending possibility that lies beyond.

Take care of yourself first.

You cannot function if you don’t take care of yourself, whatever that means to you. Sleep enough, eat well, set boundaries. Do not let anyone steal your joy.

Work isn’t everything.

Life is not work. Work is not life. Reach for the stars with your work goals, but remember you need a place to go home. Find your home, your center, your solitude. When you set your life’s goals, make sure to include some that have nothing to do with your work life.

It all begins with gratitude.

The power of gratitude doubles, triples and grows beyond measure. Find three things a day and express gratitude for them and you rewire your brain for happiness. Happiness begets happiness. It allows you to see what you’ve accomplished and the best of who you are. Everything of worth grows from there.

We practice these ten things in small and big ways every day in The Workshop.

From our weekly check-ins as we hold each other accountable and cheer ourselves on as we write books, find agents, develop writing platforms and create writing businesses that exceed our wildest dreams to our monthly seminars that explore all areas of the business of writing to the advice of published writers and agents and more.

And we get things done.

People in The Workshop write and finish their books. We publish in major magazines and newspapers. We start businesses and make a living writing, too. People in The Workshop create a plan for their writing lives and then make it happen in spite of the normal frustrations, self-doubt and roadblocks that come up along the way. Why? Because we’re inspired and motivated to keep going until we’re living our ideal writing lives.

Who is The Workshop for?

The Workshop isn’t for everyone.

It’s for anyone who is ready to make a commitment to themselves and their writing lives.
It’s for you if you’re willing to take action in spite of your fears.
It’s for those of you who are willing to step up.

When you’re ready to let go of the past and believe in yourself fully and completely.
Even if what you dream feels impossible.
It’s for people who are ready and willing to be part of a community, to give as often as you get (maybe more).

Are you ready to write, publish and make your ideal writing life a reality?

Are you ready to take a leap?

Wonderful. You can sign up now.
Join The Workshop!

If you’re not ready yet, that’s fine, too. You will be soon, and whenever that time comes, The Workshop is here for you.
